We had our baby! Jakson Curtis Lofgran was born march 5th 2008 (11 days early) at 7:23 am. 5 lbs. 13oz. and 18 inches long. My water broke at 2:25 am, we got to the hospital at 3:30 am, got an epidural (which did not work very well) at 5:00 am and dialated to a 2. At 6:00 am dialated to a 4. At 6:45 I was complete, but we had to wait about 30 minutes for the doctor to come. I did one little push and he was out. It was a very painful labor but really easy to get him out. Thank goodness it was so short. We are so happy to have him in our family. He is such a good baby, he sleeps alot at night and hardly cries at all.
Apple Dip
9 years ago
YAYAYAYAY Finally pictures!!!! Ahhh I've been waiting forever! He is soo stinking cute! He kinda looks like my baby in some of the pictures. Oh I cant wait to hold him! He's sooo precious! Congrats mommy!
my dearest son and daughter i am so proud of the both of you!!! What a beautiful baby boy. he is so precious. Please give him a kiss and a hug from his grandma hall and tell him how much he is loved by us all. But also let Burkley know that he has a special place in all of our hearts. Hopefully someday soon they will both know who i am!!! I love and miss you all and hope to see your sweet little family soon. Please be safe and you all are in my heart and thoughts and prayers always. your mom and grandma karen
Congrats Susie & Bryce! I love that we have our unique little story of our babies births! I think it's awesome that they were born within 3 hours of each other! He is so cute - and tiny! I feel like Lydia is super small compared to what Jonah was, but I can't wait to hold Jackson. Keep the pictures coming - I love it!
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