Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Jack Has Teeth!

Well he got his bottom teeth in Dec. and one top
tooth came in a couple of weeks ago so he looks
pretty funny. In this pic you can see about 4
more on the top that are about to break through.
I feel bad for him, except when he bites me. He tries to bite me any chance he gets.


Unknown said...

I totally sympathize with the biting. Lydia just started doing that. He's so cute! I can't believe he's had his hair cute already, of course he had way more hair than my baby, but I can't imagine cutting her hair for a couple years!
I was going to call you today. We're coming down on the 6th, so if you want to get together to celebrate both babies birthdays I would be okay with it. Let me know.

The Craig's said...

He's so stinkin cute. Love the faces he makes.